Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Some of my first year work!

These are some screen shots from my 5 second animation that i created using Flash. I created all the elements of the animation in Adobe Illustrator and then edited them in Flash. The idea behind the animation is that the character is standing with his baloon when a gush of wind comes and sweeps him up into the sky. His balloon gets buurst by a bird and he starts to fall but luckily his friend comes and saves him in her plane. The theme was 'Dayream' as i am sure you can tell from the storyline!

This is the front and back page of the newspaper spread in the style of the Guardian that i created.

This is the font that i designed for the Modular book project. I used only the pill shape in three different sizes to create the font.

This is an example poster that i created in order to illustrate how the font would be used and what it would look like when the letters are used to create a word.

This is my image piece for the book cover project for The Secret History. I drew out the original image with pencil and marker and then on illustrator i drew over the the trees and figures in the image to create a more prominant black colour, leaving a few of the trees behind unchanged in order to give a more layered effect.

This piece was for the 2 page spread Arts festival project. I decided to create the music section of the booklet and use bands that know to include in the piece. I chose the black/blue combination for the pages because i think that it gives a much more impressive outcome for this type of project in order to appeal to the audience it is aimed at.

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